Sonora United Methodist Church
90 W. Yaney Avenue, Sonora, CA 95370
(diagonally across from old Tuolumne County Courthouse)
(209) 532-4850 office.sonora@gmail.com
Beans, Rice & Jesus Christ
Our Free Community Dinner
is served 4:30-5:30 on Thursdays
in our downstairs Fellowship Hall
All are welcome
We're looking forward to seeing you
Interfaith is a community service organization founded in 1988. Interfaith is owned and operated by 15 member churches and is staffed by nearly 250 volunteers. Sonora United Methodist Church is proud to be a member church.
Food, clothing and personal services are provided to more than 700 Tuolumne County families every month. Interfaith is located at 18500 Striker Court (off Tuolumne Road)
Green Bag Food Project

Mother Lode Food Project Collection of non- perishable food items.
Or if you prefer to send a check (made out to ATCAA with Mother Lode Food Project in the memo line): mail it to
P.O. Box 1307
Jamestown, CA 95327
The United Methodist Committee on Relief
This is the humanitarian relief and development arm of
The United Methodist Church
UMCOR’s work can be categorized into three major areas:
1) Humanitarian Relief / Disaster Response
2) Sustainable Development
3) Global Health (in collaboration with Global Ministries)